Jonathan Munro

> Research
> About

Growing up in a working-class port city in northern England profoundly influenced my artistic practice. The stark, economically ravaged landscape and class divide I experienced continue to shape my work. I explore the impact of power abuses, personal instability, and the secrets and fractured states within which I found myself.

My practice often involves a combination of sculptural forms, built installations, and moving images. I utilise both analogue and digital tools to interrogate reality and identity. For instance, in "Looking for Myself," I used AI tools to create multiple versions of my image, questioning the authenticity of self-perception. My fascination with film sets led to the creation of shifting tableaux like log cabins, providing viewers with an alternative reality. By splicing and editing body images, I reframe and dissect the human form.

I have exhibited my work in venues such as the Barbican Centre, V&A Museum, BFI, Watermans Art Centre, London Bridge Live Arts Festival, Guest Project Space, Centre for Possible Studies, Serpentine Gallery, Sluice Festival, CARTER Presents, Lightbox Gallery, Future Everything, Abandon Normal Devices, NeMe in Cyprus, and Yoto Space in St. Petersburg.

My work is an ongoing investigation into the spaces between stability and chaos, reality and perception, seeking to uncover the hidden narratives shaped by societal forces.

Artist CV available here

jonathan [at]